FAQ - Frequently asked questions
Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions page of the Dunedin Boat Club website. If you have any questions dealing with the operations and activities of the Dunedin Boat Club that you would like to have answered, please email help@dunedinboatclub.org.
Questions are grouped by General Topics and Committee Topics
Blue Gavel:
- How can I join the Cruising Group Text Messaging group?
Instructions on how to join the Cruising Chat Group are posted on the Cruising Group Forum page, click here.
- How can I volunteer to crew for a sailboat race?
Whether you are crew looking for a boat to crew on or a Skipper with a boat looking for crew go to the DBC website to learn who is the Chairperson for the Race Committee and using the DBC Directory for their contact information, contact the Race Committee Chairperson and introduce yourself to them. Familiarize yourself with the information available on the Racing page, especially How to use YachtScoring.com on the Skipper's Resource Library page. Go to the Skipper's Resource Library tab and select "Guide for Crew Looking for a Boat on Yacht Scoring". Follow that process. When you have completed that process contact the Race Committee Chairperson and alert them that you completed the process and ask them to please introduce you to the DBC Skippers so you can contact them.
- How can I join the Paddling Group Text Messaging group?
Instructions on how to join the Paddling Chat Group are posted on the Kayaking Group Forum page, click here.
- Where does all the Club's money go?
Each year the Board prepares a budget for each club event, activity, or operational necessity based on previous history. This budget is approved by the membership at the November general membership meeting. The budget for each year can be found on the Financial Forum in the Member's Area of the Club website, For FY 2024, the Club estimates about $57,000 in income and $57,000 for expenses.
- Who can authorize “off-budget” expenses?
The ByLaws authorize the Purser and the Commodore to approve expenses that exceed the approved budget line item expense limits by less than $100. The Bylaws authorize the Board to approve reimbursements that exceed the budgeted Expense Limit by more than $100, so long as those reimbursements do not reduce the actual net profit (activity income less activity expenses) for that activity by more than $500 below what was budgeted for that activity. Expenses that may reduce the actual net profit for an event by more than $500 below the budgeted net profit require approval of the general membership.
- Why do some events require a registration fee?
EThe club has significant operational expenses outside of the costs for the various events and activities. For FY 2024 nearly 85% of the expected income from dues goes toward paying operational expenses. These operational expenses include: insurance, building repairs and maintenance, housekeeping, club website, bank fees, etc.
- What is the Capital Improvement Account?
Sometimes referred to as the Reserve or Savings account, the Capital Improvement Account is the club’s “rainy day” fund. The primary purpose of this fund is to have funds available for out of the ordinary significant expenses that may arise in the future such as major repairs to the club building. The ByLaws require that the Reserve account balance be adjusted each year so that at least 80% of the club’s total cash assets are in the interest-bearing Reserve account.
- What are examples of how the Capital Improvement Account might be used?
Some examples of how the Capital Improvement Account might be used would be for major capital expenses not included in the annual budget such as a refrigerator, Bar-B-Q grill replacement, additional folding chairs, replacing all porch decking and railings, replacing the north double entry doors, or installing some type of air conditioning. Other possibilities could include cost-sharing major building repairs with the City of Dunedin, such as a new roof, or securing the foundation to stop the building from slowly sinking.
- Who can authorize Capital Improvement Account funds to be spent?
Only the membership can authorize any funds to be spent from the Capital Improvement Account.
- What insurance coverage does the Club have for members and volunteers?
The Dunedin Boat Club contracts with the Risk Strategies I Gowie Group. Their recognized Burgee Program is designed for and used by yacht clubs and boat clubs across the USA. There are three mandatory policies in the Burgee Program, the General Liability, Marine Liability, and the Yacht Policy.
- The General Liability policy covers the club, members, and volunteers on-land exposures for liability only. This policy provides protection for bodily injury, property damage, advertising injury, and personal injury.
- The Marine Liability policy covers injuries on docks and slips.This is the club’s “in between water and land” coverage. Organization members, employees and volunteers are additional insureds at no additional premium.
- The Yacht policy provides coverage for club on-water liability, including regattas and cruises. A portion of this coverage is for claims that the club would be legally liable to pay in respects to vessels of others while being operated by the named insured, member of the Club, or in the Associations care, custody or control in a race, in-shore race, regatta, or cruise, including:
* REGATTA LIABILITY includes bodily injury and property damage liability coverage for regattas and races sponsored by the DBC. * BORROWED BOAT: Hull Physical Damage and Protection and Indemnity is extended to cover the vessels of others (not to exceed 55’ length overall) while being operated by members of the DBC, or in the club's care custody and control for use in races, regattas, cruises or similar sponsored or sanctioned events.
- Where can I find the DBC historical documents?
They are some where in the Cloud.
Bar-b-que Grill: - Where can I find the key to the bar-b-que grill?
First, your key to the DBC Clubhouse will open propane cage. In the propane cage the key to the grill is on a hook in the upper right corner of the cage.
